Friday, June 5, 2020

Outlook: Focused Inbox vs. Normal Inbox

Microsoft Outlook app updates on Android phones and tablets with ...

Do you like having your inbox organized, clean, and know exactly where to find them?

Using your Outlook email is something that is an everyday task for employees and faculty of our university. Gmail and Outlook are both of the email providers that Emporia State uses, but the difference between the two stands out with Outlook.

Outlook has a bit different view when you get to your home screen on your email. Outlook offers different locations for your emails to go without having to leave your Inbox tab. While some users have "Clutter" as a folder choice instead of the normal options being "Focused" and "Other". Focused and Other are the two tabs that are going to be within your inbox tab when using Microsoft365, Exchange, and The Focused tab is where your more important emails will be located, giving you fast access to your everyday interactions. The Other tab is where you can place your less necessary emails like subscriptions, shopping ads, donation banks, etc. This gives the user a more clean and organized user face for them to utilize. Leaving all of your emails organized but still keeping all of them easily accessible.

When using Outlook on a Windows device, you will need to select that you want your Focused inbox visible. From there you will be able to go through your emails and either move them to the Focused inbox or the Other inbox. 

Using on a device, you will need to go to settings and turn on the "Focused Inbox". This will refresh and you will be able to organize your emails into which category you want them to be in.

If you are using Outlook, Microsoft365, or Exchange, there are step-by-step instructions on how to get your email inbox looking clean and organized while still being user friendly found here.

Questions and concerns can also be answered by contacting the IT Help Desk.
Stay healthy Hornets!

Dakota Taylor
Social Media Student Assistant
Web & Digital Strategies