Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tips For Online Collaboration

Are you all ready for all of your classes to be transitioned to an online setting? Hopefully your years of exposure to technology has you feeling confident, but if not, no need to worry! The Information Technology department at ESU has been putting together resources to simplify this situation as much as possible. Follow this link to the 'Learn Anywhere' site to view all of the resources that we have gathered for you.

While the 'Learn Anywhere' site has a lot of information, I personally wanted to give you some opinions on how to best collaborate with fellow students on group assignments or projects. Two of my favorite options are...

  • Google Meet
    • This is one of the most popular video communication tools used in the world. It integrates with your Student G Suite account, making it easy to search and invite classmates to your call. It also allows users to dial-in to the call with their personal phone! This makes it one of the most accessible platforms to use for collaboration.
  • Zoom
    • A world-wide favorite, Zoom is used for video conferencing and meetings. During this situation, Zoom has allowed all users to have unlimited time usage for their calls. This means that you are no longer limited by the 40 minute 'lite version'. This ensures that you and your classmates can collaborate for as long as it takes to finish the assignment!

Most importantly... Communicate!

Communicate with your classmates and figure out what works best for you all! This is an excellent opportunity to learn different methods of collaborating virtually. Make the best of the situation!

If you still having any questions or concerns, please visit the ESU Coronavirus Information page.

Sam Derksen
Web Developer
Web and Digital Strategies