Monday, March 5, 2018

Public Wi-Fi - Protect Before You Connect!

According to a BBC article from December 2017, "Starbucks has acknowledged that visitors to one if its branches were unwittingly recruited into a crypto-currency mining operation." Hackers compromised customers' computers and used them to create digital cash. This incident is only one of many to highlight the risk of using public Wi-Fi.

Public Wi-Fi is convenient and great to use, especially when you travel. However, connecting to public Wi-Fi comes with its own risks, especially when transmitting sensitive data. As in the example above, attackers can set up fake Wi-Fi access points or compromise legitimate ones to steal your information. While there is no reason to avoid public Wi-Fi entirely, here are some things to be conscious of.
  1. Before connecting to public Wi-Fi, makes sure all systems, browsers and apps are up-to-date. Updated software is much harder to compromise.
  2. Be aware of what you are sharing while using public Wi-Fi. For sensitive data, such as bank transactions, use tethering off your smartphone whenever possible.
  3. If available, use encryption for everything you do online and browse secure websites (look for https).