Spring Break is here and it's never a bad time to do a little spring cleaning, especially when it comes to technology. Here are a few items that you might consider:
-Clean up your email. Sure, Microsoft and Google house our ESU email in the cloud now, but storage isn't unlimited and its good to be a good digital citizen. Reminder that employee email has a 50 GB limit and Gmail for students doesn't have a specific limitation.
-Clean up your W: drive. If you're the custodian of files for your shared folders on the W: drive remove any that are no longer needed. The W: drive is hosted in our data center and it does have an ongoing cost to operate.
-Consider the new service Hornet Sites. As part of our Hornet 365 service, any employee group/team/department/committee, etc. can have their own Hornet Site. Part website, part file storage it's a secure space for you to customize as needed to share and collaborate on content with anyone with an ESU account. Because Hornet Sites are hosted by Microsoft, moving files from W: drive to your own Hornet Site is more efficient--not only can you access your files from anywhere, including syncing to your PC, but you can also manage your own permissions. Stay tuned for more about Hornet Sites in the near future.
-Clean your desk off. Okay, that one is just for me. In the era of paperless and digital transformation, my desk seems to collect a lot of printed material!
-Brian Osbourn, Director, IT Systems & Client Solutions