Friday, September 7, 2018

Share with Care on Social Media

The majority of the population, especially that on college campuses use social media. Whether it’s to keep up with family and friends at home or to connect with those new friends at college, it’s important to remember to keep yourself safe. Being safe online in general is key but Particularly when using social media since many people forget the possible dangers of social media.
Here are a few quick tips to stay protected on social media:

Strong passwords

The key step in any security is making sure your account is locked down with strong and secure password. Always make sure you are the only one with access to that password, always air of the side of caution. Also, remember to have distinct passwords for each individual account, that way if one account is hacked the rest of your accounts are protected. A distinctive password should be easy to remember but challenging for others to guess. Good examples of passwords include sentences with a combination of numbers, special characters, upper-case, and lower-case letters. Each additional detail will make your password more secure. 

Never share personal information

          While it should go without saying, sometimes we all need a reminder to be cautious about what we post to social media. Always protect your personal information and never give information that can be used to access any personal accounts. It’s surprising how one bit of information, like an email address, could be used to access a wide variety of accounts, such as social media, email accounts, or even bank accounts. Never share your email address, passwords, account information, or social security number with anyone and especially not any social media. 

Don't over share

           We all have exciting events happening in our lives, whether it’s a new home or trip it’s important to hold back key information. When it comes to a new home, avoid posting the address and try limiting the pictures taken outside of your home. While you may want your personal friends or family to have that information, you shouldn’t give it out to all of the others on your social media. Taking a vacation is an exciting event but if shared inappropriately it can put you at risk. Allowing others to know when you won’t be home can open the door for robberies. Therefore, wait until you are safely back at home before posting those amazing vacation shots. 

Be careful who you accept

            The easiest step in protecting your social media accounts from potential threats is being mindful of who you accept or allow to follow you. While we all want to have a lot of “friends” on social media, you need to make sure they are people you actually know and don’t want to do harm. Many times, hackers will use pictures and information to create a phony account to gather information from those that accept it. Hackers will even make an identical account to someone and add all of the friends of that person. They do this so it appears that you are receiving a request from someone you know and accept without thought. Therefore, always verify that you know the individual and if the request is for a duplicate account reach out to the person off of social media to find out if they really did make a new account. 

Be careful about links you click 

           A major threat in our cyber world today is malware, which is used to collect personal information from unsuspecting individuals. While this is common is email attacks, it is always being found increasingly in social media. Once a malicious link is clicked it will lead to a fake site that may look authentic. Next the victim will be asked to insert their sensitive information, which will be stored and used against them. One way to avoid this happening to you is to always check if the link is from a reputable source and if the destination matches the given IP address for it. In order to check the destination, simply hold your cursor over the address without clicking on it. If there is any indication that the link may be harmful, do not click it!

Learn more by visiting and clicking on the "Information Security" tile. Have a great fall semester!